deadjoe - I agree about supporting small and home grown businesses, that should have been the main point of your blog post, not just chatting shit about the product which is a totally different point.
The vast majority of fixed gear blogs exist simply to repost other peoples content, kiss ass and get freebies.
I can think of 2 fixed gear blogs. Yours and the 5th Floors. I know they will suck anything for free stuff, but can't say I've ever read yours. Fair enough for taking a stand, I know they were giving away quite a few things in the hopes of getting lots of viral marketing. If you wanted to make a point about other blogs or whatever, then you should have. But actually you just bashed a product you had only ever seen in pictures online then got your knickers in a twist when I called you out on making stuff up.
deadjoe - I agree about supporting small and home grown businesses, that should have been the main point of your blog post, not just chatting shit about the product which is a totally different point.
I can think of 2 fixed gear blogs. Yours and the 5th Floors. I know they will suck anything for free stuff, but can't say I've ever read yours. Fair enough for taking a stand, I know they were giving away quite a few things in the hopes of getting lots of viral marketing. If you wanted to make a point about other blogs or whatever, then you should have. But actually you just bashed a product you had only ever seen in pictures online then got your knickers in a twist when I called you out on making stuff up.