It's not necessarily a problem to have lots of debt, as long as you can service it from revenue (Arsenal took on a lot of debt to build the Emirates), but from this short article it seems that Barca's debt is unsound.
I'd be interested to see what Swiss Ramble makes of that. It's not a big secret that Real have been handed hundreds of millions of Euros by the Spanish state over the last decade or so (most notably when they 'sold' their training facilities at a grossly inflated price).
It's not necessarily a problem to have lots of debt, as long as you can service it from revenue (Arsenal took on a lot of debt to build the Emirates), but from this short article it seems that Barca's debt is unsound.
I'd be interested to see what Swiss Ramble makes of that. It's not a big secret that Real have been handed hundreds of millions of Euros by the Spanish state over the last decade or so (most notably when they 'sold' their training facilities at a grossly inflated price).