I'm out at the moment. Waiting for mobile to be delivered then off to hopefully view a bike that fits me.
The bike stands are now in at the butchers...
About bloody time!!! Really looking forward to going there.
I'm provisionally in for tonight. I'll probably be arriving on foot, though. :)
Seen your update. I will try to make an extra special effort next week if the Schicklet is there.
Sweaty, ditto on the sorry about your mate.
[QUOTE=BlueQuinn;2801703]Actually I am feeling a bit ill today, so the idea of booze and cigars doesn't appeal anyway.
Next week though for certain.
I'll update the thread later
Hope you are feeling better BQ. Hope Mrs BQ is good.
I'm out at the moment. Waiting for mobile to be delivered then off to hopefully view a bike that fits me.
About bloody time!!! Really looking forward to going there.
Hope you are feeling better BQ. Hope Mrs BQ is good.