Does anyone else get something a little similar to tinnitus after ~3 hours of fairly high paced riding?
I think it's the wind-rush over my (FA Cup style) ears.
I was wondering the other day whether ear plugs might make longer rides more pleasant, just because they'd kill the wind roar.
Let me guess- I'm on my own here, and everyone thinks I am barking.
The silicone ones that you squish into a ball and mould to your earholes might work ok because you can smooth them down once they are in, thus reducing the edges that can catch the wind. Also more comfortable than the horrible pointy foamy things.
The silicone ones that you squish into a ball and mould to your earholes might work ok because you can smooth them down once they are in, thus reducing the edges that can catch the wind. Also more comfortable than the horrible pointy foamy things.