• #4152
I have a mate in Cupar who's always prattling on about how lovely it is.
The way he rattles on about it you'd think it was the sunniest place in the British Isles.
• #4153
He's a liar. Scottish weather ranges from mildly shit to raging shit
• #4154
I can't get enough of the mist....it makes me feel so alive
Haar haar. Go 10mins inland and it'll be blazing sunshine.
• #4155
I live 2 mins from the harbour so yeah, harr is my reality
• #4156
Scotch mist?
One mist had gone, but another mist remained… a worst mist. A mist that fogged men's minds: the mist of mist-understanding. Luckily this mist was just a metaphor and wouldn't really affect things that much. On a nearby rooftop a bird took flight, but not even that could spoil this beautiful moment, as rosy-fingered dawn cupped Romford in its hands and thumbed open the new day's crack.
• #4157
^awesome *dreamweaving *there.
• #4158
It is now 23 degrees in London. Fuck work, I'm going for a cycle.
• #4159
i rode home from work without bike lights for the first time this year. this pleased me.
• #4160
That really is a wonderful sign.
• #4161
shame the snow is returning next week
• #4162
Fuck me, it's frigid outside. And forecast for snow tomorrow?
• #4163
• #4164
30 deg. Fuck British weather. #boastpost
• #4165
Crazy hail storm on way to SE drinks. Sheltering in Bermondsey St.
• #4166
This is no longer funny by the way, weather gods.....
• #4167
was cold, now is raining
bleughwhen does summer get here again ?
• #4168
No-one comes here for the weather...
• #4169
Fucking snow and sleet! Driving wind from the North East.
It's really not fun any more...
• #4170
snow really
we had our week of summer in march didn't we -
• #4171
No-one comes here for the weather...
What do they come here for?
• #4172
I like it, and am making the most of it before an intolerably hot summer in locked down London.
• #4173
The rain isn't the thing that bothers me. It was the bloody head winds. So strong in Surrey today, I was being thrown all over the place and stayed on the drops almost the entire time!
• #4174
aye a couple of hairy moments this morning
and it's gusty not constant, thats even worse as you round a bus only to be blasted by some 40mph wind tunnel -
• #4175
What do they come here for?
Financial services, unique tax avoidance methods and handbuilt bicycles.
not that I noticed. More a persistent low level cloud of grey shittyness