• Well, that was just about as good as a Sunday gets. I started very late, around 11, I think, pootled along, spent a lot of time at LMNH, eventually got back to Gipsy Hill Tavern at around 4 to the shock that Dropout might have ANOTHER BIKE soon, and not only that, but one that actually has dropouts instead of track ends. We just need to arrange a few more raffles so he can win the other bits he needs.

    Other than forum spots, I saw someone coming towards me riding a mountain bike along with a chain lock slung around the top tube and down tube. The actual lock dangled down and got stuck between his front wheel and the down tube several times while I watched him (not long). This was on a secteur pavé. He very nearly crashed there and then, but the only measure he took was swearing loudly every time it happened. I'm always too slow to say something as I watch with great interest what will happen next.

    Good to meet biarittz, dogpants, Rossi75, salmonchild, and monkey, and seeing lots of usual suspects!

    Also an unrelated spot of Multi Grooves in Queen Elizabeth Street, with a trainee.

    Many thanks to the organisers, I'm glad I finally got to do it.
