Sparky - you're up for servicing a fancy Hope hub, but are replacing your current one just 'cos it's a bit grindy? I'd strip it, if it's cup and cone it'll take a few minutes, give it a good clean and regrease and bang it back together again. They're so simple to work on and the hub may well feel like new again. All it'll cost you is a hour of your time and a bit of grease. Sealed bearings are even easier if you can source new ones. Take an adjustable spanner to that kinked rim, there's a good chance you'll have it straightened with no fuss, and I'm assuming you're running disk brakes so the kink will have no effect on braking.
Of course, if you just want new blinging wheels...
And Hope's clacketty racket is overrated.
This is the wheel that came fitted to a £230 mountain bike. The rubber seals over the bearings got shredded, the bearings need replacing, the wheel wants truing and a few of the spokes have completely lost tension. The nipples are also cheap and will probably be a pain in the arse to get a key on to.
I'm also planning another trip soon that will give them a good punishing. I'd like something nice that'll drop a bit of weight, as well as adding a bit of strength and rigidity.
This is the wheel that came fitted to a £230 mountain bike. The rubber seals over the bearings got shredded, the bearings need replacing, the wheel wants truing and a few of the spokes have completely lost tension. The nipples are also cheap and will probably be a pain in the arse to get a key on to.
I'm also planning another trip soon that will give them a good punishing. I'd like something nice that'll drop a bit of weight, as well as adding a bit of strength and rigidity.