i used to drive myself mad trying to flush water out of my ears for hours after a swim. i was for forever doing that demented sideway headbang dance to try and stop the whooshy ears-full-of-swimming pool sensation.
but for some reason i don't have that problem any more. could be the way I swim now or maybe just using a cap over the ears is enough?
there are a few products on the swimshop website for it. once it's cleared up maybe start using earplugs too?
sorry mate. no idea, never suffered.
i used to drive myself mad trying to flush water out of my ears for hours after a swim. i was for forever doing that demented sideway headbang dance to try and stop the whooshy ears-full-of-swimming pool sensation.
but for some reason i don't have that problem any more. could be the way I swim now or maybe just using a cap over the ears is enough?
there are a few products on the swimshop website for it. once it's cleared up maybe start using earplugs too?