^^ I get that sort of thing every year. I.E. I'd get better deal if I keep with existing contract OR let it finish, leave, come back as new customer 1 day later. Unless you are a hardcore user (£50+ over your bill every month without fail) they won't offer you jack.
Right, TWO things...
1) Skype has FINALLY got video calling dialed android > android. Thought trying to get g/f to make it work via a phone that can't call anyone is next to imposs, which is problem 2.
2) SGS1 - This is the 3rd replacement handset, 1 & 2 were in 1st few weeks with essentially same problem.
Hangs up when it feels like it, even with perfect signal and no change in conditions, it just decides 'you know what, i'm gonna end this call, and not work again until you turn me off, rip my battery out and start again'
3rd handset has now started doing it to the point battery contacts are fucked.
Oranges response? >>> 'Sire you are 20months into a 24month contract and this kind of wear and tear will not be covered under your services standard warranty, to repair this handset we will be making a statutory charge for misuse /abuse of the handset as set out in our contract'
WTF orange, you used to be decent people. This is the 3rd phone with an already detailed existing problem that you have acted on before for me (and hundreds of others with exact same well known problem), yet because I'm nearing end of contract your pulling the fast one.
Phone is running 2.3, USB socket is knackered thanks to the same problem (to get it onto samsung kies takes between 20-50 reinserts of the USB cable until it decides to play ball and update, will not do over the air updates, usb now so wrecked can no longer update which is half the problem I think). I knew the SGS1 was powerful at the time of its launch, but shoddy build quality (I've had £10 payg tesco phones that were built to a higher standard) has entirely let it down. SGS2 sounds interesting, but the very fact its made by samsung puts me off
^^ I get that sort of thing every year. I.E. I'd get better deal if I keep with existing contract OR let it finish, leave, come back as new customer 1 day later. Unless you are a hardcore user (£50+ over your bill every month without fail) they won't offer you jack.
Right, TWO things...
1) Skype has FINALLY got video calling dialed android > android. Thought trying to get g/f to make it work via a phone that can't call anyone is next to imposs, which is problem 2.
2) SGS1 - This is the 3rd replacement handset, 1 & 2 were in 1st few weeks with essentially same problem.
Hangs up when it feels like it, even with perfect signal and no change in conditions, it just decides 'you know what, i'm gonna end this call, and not work again until you turn me off, rip my battery out and start again'
3rd handset has now started doing it to the point battery contacts are fucked.
Oranges response? >>> 'Sire you are 20months into a 24month contract and this kind of wear and tear will not be covered under your services standard warranty, to repair this handset we will be making a statutory charge for misuse /abuse of the handset as set out in our contract'
WTF orange, you used to be decent people. This is the 3rd phone with an already detailed existing problem that you have acted on before for me (and hundreds of others with exact same well known problem), yet because I'm nearing end of contract your pulling the fast one.
Phone is running 2.3, USB socket is knackered thanks to the same problem (to get it onto samsung kies takes between 20-50 reinserts of the USB cable until it decides to play ball and update, will not do over the air updates, usb now so wrecked can no longer update which is half the problem I think). I knew the SGS1 was powerful at the time of its launch, but shoddy build quality (I've had £10 payg tesco phones that were built to a higher standard) has entirely let it down. SGS2 sounds interesting, but the very fact its made by samsung puts me off