• [This is pretty long,, and I didn't even get the number plate or report anything, so sorry. I don't know where else to put it. It does have (threatened) violence and a car chase though!]

    I got chased/menaced by some guys while I was out for a ride to play bike tag earlier this afternoon. A car overtook me with clearly not enough room, very nearly physically pushing me into the curb and railings while we were both moving fast - it would have if I hadn't slowed down to get out the back of it. I should have been riding further out at this point but I hadn't realised the road narrowed and the car was already coming up on me when I went to move.

    I slapped the side of the car as I slowed, because I was pissed off that he didn't seem to care if he knocked me off. In hindsight it is probably a bad idea to slap the side of fully murdered out cars. Especially when they seem to have some shitty body kit that the owner is probably worried about getting broken by the slightest touch. Anyway a guy leaned out of the passenger side and made a really angry face and beckoned to me. As the car slowed and I caught up he started shouting and it became clear that he didn't like people touching the car and in fact he was so angry he was going to "fucking chop [me] up".

    I went round the other side and tried to lose them in the traffic, they tried to catch up while being hindered by the traffic, a way down the road they finally got ahead (at least they didn't just drive into me) shooting past at speed and stopping a short distance away while I slowed so as not to go into the back of them. The guy leaned out and beckoned to me again and in a cunning ploy I nodded at him, which just as I hoped he evidently took to mean "yes I will come and allow you to chop me up now" but which actually meant "yes stop your car and start getting out so I can go round the other side and dart down this turning here".

    They followed me round but I went round a load of corners, doubled back on myself, then sat down and had a smoke. Then I started to head back the way I wanted to go but I saw the car driving past the end of a road just as I approached it (on foot) so I went home instead.
