get behind me in the queue. I am using A319s at around 600g combined with 47c Schwalbe Land Cruisers at 800g+ each.
The rest of the bike is pretty light so is almost defeating the object but the feeling of grip and confidence provided by the relatively massive tyres is more than worth the weight.
Bontrager Jones XR 29er 1.8" (46mm). Light, with low tread. I've seen plenty of reports of folk running them tubeless. So combin them with some Stans crest rims, and run them at a nice low PSI.
Would half the rotating weight of your set-up, reduce punctures, and enhance grip. Probably a touch slower on tarmac though.
Bontrager Jones XR 29er 1.8" (46mm). Light, with low tread. I've seen plenty of reports of folk running them tubeless. So combin them with some Stans crest rims, and run them at a nice low PSI.
Would half the rotating weight of your set-up, reduce punctures, and enhance grip. Probably a touch slower on tarmac though.