Excellent work today V. You deserve a few beers this evening! Can you change the text entry box to serif rather than san serif though?
I don't want to change my browser fonts as I need to keep the default firefox, safari and chrome setups for work purposes.
Glad you finally got the text size options sorted. I wonder if it will remember which size I want on each browser/device or if I'll have to change it each time I use my phone or computer?
Excellent work today V. You deserve a few beers this evening! Can you change the text entry box to serif rather than san serif though?
I don't want to change my browser fonts as I need to keep the default firefox, safari and chrome setups for work purposes.
Glad you finally got the text size options sorted. I wonder if it will remember which size I want on each browser/device or if I'll have to change it each time I use my phone or computer?