Sans-serif constantly comes out top of readability tests on the web.
Perhaps when every device has 300dpi then it would be different, but for now... sans-serif wins on the web.
Serif continues to be king in print.
This. It's a combination of resolution and contrast, the main difference being reading from an emitted light source rather than reflected/ambient-lit.
However, it's more to do with what's a good font and what isn't, and Helvetica (which a fair chunk of users will end up with) is so bad IMO there's a strong case for over-riding it in design with Lucida, hell, even Verdana, rather than leaving it to browser default.
This. It's a combination of resolution and contrast, the main difference being reading from an emitted light source rather than reflected/ambient-lit.
However, it's more to do with what's a good font and what isn't, and Helvetica (which a fair chunk of users will end up with) is so bad IMO there's a strong case for over-riding it in design with Lucida, hell, even Verdana, rather than leaving it to browser default.