• #11777
oozy drips are cool
• #11779
had thought about the whole middle ages thing, buts its all a bit All Saints and well played out....
• #11780
Powerhaus polo 1830 Thursday
- Rob
- Chan
- Will
- Will's mate
- Rob
• #11781
Powerhaus polo 1830 Thursday
- Rob
- Chan
- Will
- Will's mate
- Ste
- Schoey
- Rob
• #11782
Powerhaus polo 18:30 Thursday
- Rob
- Chan
- Will
- Will's mate
- Ste
- Schoey
- Drew
- Rob
• #11783
fleas wasn't it, fleas on rats on boats
So what your saying is it needs to be some kind of rat on a boat surrounded by fleas with oozy drippy text?
• #11784
and a giant cock
• #11785
maybe just this:
• #11786
• #11787
Yep! Starts at 1830, probably time to start a list
Powerhaus polo 1830 Thursday
- Rob
We already have one!
Tuesday polo (for the Hard Court Hard Corps. making it to Thursday AS WELL)
- Nat
Thursday 6.30pm
- Monsieur Chien
Powerhaus polo 18:30 Thursday
- Rob
- Chan
- Will
- Will +1
- Ste
- Schoey
- Drew
- Nat
- Salmon
Tuesday newbie kickabout?
- Nat
- Salman
- Rob
• #11788
my bad
• #11789
Rear wheel decommissioned. Looks more like a pretzel. Will still come to polo if others let me have a go on their bikes.
• #11790
You're not getting my crown for broken back wheels!
• #11791
I have a spare 700 wheel for polo use, courtesy of chris, needs a freewheel though (fixed threads aint good)
• #11792
this one is pretty damn broken!
pics when i get it back from the police.
• #11793
it was totally not my fault and i've got the dude's details, so i should get a new spanking wheel pretty damn soon. and a new watch. i fucking loved my watch!
cheers for the offer rob.
• #11794
Right... with the adrenaline leaving my system I'm starting to realize that my elbows actually hurt. A lot.
Maybe play it safe for now...
Powerhaus polo 18:30 Thursday
- Rob
- Chan
- Will
- Will +1
- Ste
- Schoey
- Drew
- Nat
Tuesday newbie kickabout?
- Nat
- Rob
• #11795
you been hit? what's with all the getting hit by cars recently?
• #11796
i'd see a doctor tomorrow for anything, take pics of painful bits every day or so until they heal, keep records so that you don't miss out on anything you're due
• #11797
Salman - I have a spare if you want to borrow it for a while, nothing fantastic, pic in the marketplace thread
• #11798
I've been hurt by polo can I sue MHBP?
• #11799
yep, right here: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?msid=206509095289101871706.0004b9699dce2d8f46020&msa=0
i was waiting for the oncoming traffic to stop so i can turn right. despite the massive orange bag and the flashing red light, this dude claims he didn't see me. so he drove straight into me at 50 km/h!
at first i was like "WHAAAA I'm surfing this guy's windshield!" then i was like "WHOAH i'm skidding on tarmac and this dude is going to run me over and crush every single bone in my body!" fortunately, he didn't. albeit being a shit driver, he knew how to use the brakes.
i managed to completely trash his windshield (i'm assuming with my helmet). my rear wheel took almost all of it. the frame looks just as good as it was yesterday!
i think i'm pretty fucking lucky.
so fuck all this, i'm off to see the muppets! 2040 at didsbury cineworld!
• #11800
Muppets make lots of things better but I would really go to a doctors if you feel even a bit off.
I threw up and passed out an hour after I was majorly hit by a car even though I cycled home. My housemates just thought I was drunk and left me on the floor. I wasn't impressed.