Did the Brighton Half today. Trained hard to go sub 1:40 and missed it by three seconds. Turns out they measured the course wrong and it's actually 13.5 miles not 13.1. Gutted.
Out of interest, how do you know the course is long? Races, especially big ones, are usually quite good about getting the distance right. I can only recall one I've done being wrong when they put the start line at the wrong lamppost.
If your length estimate is based on GPS then I suspect that the course is right. Gps is notorious for slightly overestimating the distance. Then you also have the fact that you probably didn't run the racing line due to congestion etc. Finally there is what's known as the "short course prevention factor" which basically means they put the finish 0.1% of the distance further.
I'm not trying to be an arse here, sorry if it sounds like it. I'd be interested to hear if they admitted cocking it up by such a large margin. You can probably count the extra 21m as 3 seconds anyway ;)
Out of interest, how do you know the course is long? Races, especially big ones, are usually quite good about getting the distance right. I can only recall one I've done being wrong when they put the start line at the wrong lamppost.
If your length estimate is based on GPS then I suspect that the course is right. Gps is notorious for slightly overestimating the distance. Then you also have the fact that you probably didn't run the racing line due to congestion etc. Finally there is what's known as the "short course prevention factor" which basically means they put the finish 0.1% of the distance further.
I'm not trying to be an arse here, sorry if it sounds like it. I'd be interested to hear if they admitted cocking it up by such a large margin. You can probably count the extra 21m as 3 seconds anyway ;)