• The Hackney Bikeworkshop is this Tuesday the 21st February at our Hackney location:

    The Kings Centre
    Frampton Park Baptist Church
    Frampton Park Road
    London E9 7PQ

    Classes run from 7:00 - 9:00pm

    All aspects of bicycle maintenance taught on peoples own bikes attendance is free but we do take donations to cover the rent and the purchase of tools.

    Queries hackneybikeworkshop(at)gmail.com or Tel 07940 121 513
    Further details: http://www.hackney-cyclists.org.uk/workshop.htm
    And at: http://hackneybikeworkshop.com

    You are also welcome if you just want to talk bike and are welcome to join us in the pub Baxters Hall, Mare St. opposite the Hackney Empire after the workshop.
