My opinion* on the cycle commute is that once your body is used to the effort, you expend very minimal calorie burn.
So I'd always under state my calorific expenditure of your commute to work.
Training is a different matter.
I am no expert!
Law of thermodynamics computer says no.
If you are doing work (moving a mass at a given speed) you will expend energy and all other things being equal the same journey at same speed will expend same energy and burn same calories any time you do it.
You might become slightly more efficient over time and your calories burnt as input might drop a couple of % but it's going to be negligible.
Law of thermodynamics computer says no.
If you are doing work (moving a mass at a given speed) you will expend energy and all other things being equal the same journey at same speed will expend same energy and burn same calories any time you do it.
You might become slightly more efficient over time and your calories burnt as input might drop a couple of % but it's going to be negligible.