Half of the time there is usually a car/taxi/moped/other vehicle in the ASL anyway, which makes them seem pretty useless to me.
I was once waiting in the ASL at Oval waiting to head down Brixton Road, primary position, when some tosser drove right into the ASL behind me honking his horn and pushing my rear wheel. I looked behind me to see what his problem was and he was gesturing rude signs at me and telling me I should be on the pavement?!
Anyway to cut a cool story a little bit shorter, I humoured him for a while, but I know the light phasing of that junction well, so I gave him a verbal volley of abuse explaining how I have more right to be on the road if he really is as stupid as he sounds until he opened his door to step out and lamp me. By which time the lights were changing, I pedalled away and he started getting shouted at by the motorists behind him that he was blocking as he was fully out of his car.
I didn't see him again, I didn't think about the fact he might chase me down at the time, but thankfully he didn't. I've calmed down with my reactions to poor road users since then although occasionally I might call someone a fucktard if they endanger my life.
Half of the time there is usually a car/taxi/moped/other vehicle in the ASL anyway, which makes them seem pretty useless to me.
I was once waiting in the ASL at Oval waiting to head down Brixton Road, primary position, when some tosser drove right into the ASL behind me honking his horn and pushing my rear wheel. I looked behind me to see what his problem was and he was gesturing rude signs at me and telling me I should be on the pavement?!
Anyway to cut a cool story a little bit shorter, I humoured him for a while, but I know the light phasing of that junction well, so I gave him a verbal volley of abuse explaining how I have more right to be on the road if he really is as stupid as he sounds until he opened his door to step out and lamp me. By which time the lights were changing, I pedalled away and he started getting shouted at by the motorists behind him that he was blocking as he was fully out of his car.
I didn't see him again, I didn't think about the fact he might chase me down at the time, but thankfully he didn't. I've calmed down with my reactions to poor road users since then although occasionally I might call someone a fucktard if they endanger my life.