I'm having a bit of a dilemma. I've been using my Mamiya c3 a lot more, however the cost per shot is far greater than 35mm. So for the first time I got my local photo shop to scan the negs to disc. I wasn't that impressed with the result. The jpegs seem flat and pixelated especially (Image 1)
What I used to do was hand scan a print to tiff then convert to jpeg (Image 2), which i think gives much better results. (The scanner was nothing special, £100 or so). I am i being anal, or can you tell the difference (I've tried to select images with similar lighting)?
So can anyone recommend a better lab or reasonably priced scanner? I live in birmingham.
I'm having a bit of a dilemma. I've been using my Mamiya c3 a lot more, however the cost per shot is far greater than 35mm. So for the first time I got my local photo shop to scan the negs to disc. I wasn't that impressed with the result. The jpegs seem flat and pixelated especially (Image 1)
What I used to do was hand scan a print to tiff then convert to jpeg (Image 2), which i think gives much better results. (The scanner was nothing special, £100 or so). I am i being anal, or can you tell the difference (I've tried to select images with similar lighting)?
So can anyone recommend a better lab or reasonably priced scanner? I live in birmingham.