I think I posted some pictures of this a few months back. My guitar so far - did the fretslots last night using a very manly circular saw.
I've only got the fretboard and the bridge to go, though the setup and finishing of it will obviously take a little while. It's taken about three years to get to here (at two hours a week in term time), and it should definitely be finished in the next 2 - 3 months. Hopefully... I've said that before though...
I think I posted some pictures of this a few months back. My guitar so far - did the fretslots last night using a very manly circular saw.
I've only got the fretboard and the bridge to go, though the setup and finishing of it will obviously take a little while. It's taken about three years to get to here (at two hours a week in term time), and it should definitely be finished in the next 2 - 3 months. Hopefully... I've said that before though...
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