Yes, having spent ages picking through various RAL colours and noting down numbers, it has become apparent that what I'm really after is a combination of Ferrari red and Gios blue. It'll be red with blue panels on the down tube and seat tube, "RON COOPER" on each side of the down tube and "COOPER" down the front of the seat tube in white over the blue. (No bottle brazing on the seat tube.) With the panels separated by rainbow-band stickers. Also blue head tube in front of the lugs and COOPER rainbow-band head badge decal.
Apart from the fact I like the colours, it will be a match for VC Londres club colours - this harks back to my teenage days when I was racing for the club. I recently rejoined, with a view to racing at Herne Hill this year. Not that the Ron will see any racing - it'll be strictly a Sunday-best sunny day special. :)
Yes, having spent ages picking through various RAL colours and noting down numbers, it has become apparent that what I'm really after is a combination of Ferrari red and Gios blue. It'll be red with blue panels on the down tube and seat tube, "RON COOPER" on each side of the down tube and "COOPER" down the front of the seat tube in white over the blue. (No bottle brazing on the seat tube.) With the panels separated by rainbow-band stickers. Also blue head tube in front of the lugs and COOPER rainbow-band head badge decal.
Apart from the fact I like the colours, it will be a match for VC Londres club colours - this harks back to my teenage days when I was racing for the club. I recently rejoined, with a view to racing at Herne Hill this year. Not that the Ron will see any racing - it'll be strictly a Sunday-best sunny day special. :)