Is round 13 of the London Cross League at the Wilmington Grammar School for boys? I'm a bit confused as there is quite a few schools near by and I'm travelling quite far so I don't want to get lost.
I'm sending a PM to all of the guys who said they would help me by letting me get their portrait with my phone number and email so we can meet up on the day.
Is round 13 of the London Cross League at the Wilmington Grammar School for boys? I'm a bit confused as there is quite a few schools near by and I'm travelling quite far so I don't want to get lost.
Google maps is saying here, is this correct?,+DA2+7DA,+UK&hl=en&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=51.222969,107.753906&oq=DA2+7DA&vpsrc=0&hnear=Dartford+DA2+7DA,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=16
I'm sending a PM to all of the guys who said they would help me by letting me get their portrait with my phone number and email so we can meet up on the day.