Its great that you are prepared to offer your time to work on the website, however the idea of the organisational structure we agreed on is that first; we (all of manchester polo) put forward a list of things you would like to see happen/be acheived in the next year (more players, more courts, new goals etc) and an outline of the skills we can offer.
From this input the committee (Neil, Chan, Rob) decide the goals to focus on and the best way/best people to acheive them.
So by all means offer your skills, but also tell us your wants for MCR polo, the idea is that we do things by commitee with central organisation striving to acheive the goals of the whole MCR community and not that people just decide to do something on their own and go off and do it... does that make sense..?
Its great that you are prepared to offer your time to work on the website, however the idea of the organisational structure we agreed on is that first; we (all of manchester polo) put forward a list of things you would like to see happen/be acheived in the next year (more players, more courts, new goals etc) and an outline of the skills we can offer.
From this input the committee (Neil, Chan, Rob) decide the goals to focus on and the best way/best people to acheive them.
So by all means offer your skills, but also tell us your wants for MCR polo, the idea is that we do things by commitee with central organisation striving to acheive the goals of the whole MCR community and not that people just decide to do something on their own and go off and do it... does that make sense..?