My ISA doesn't lock you in for a year, not many do. But if you have to withdraw money you do lose your allowance for that year. Basically, you can put ~£5k a year into a cash ISA, but if you take that £5k out at some point you can't put it back in until the next financial year. So I keep a normal savings account as a buffer and only move across what I know I won't need to the ISA.
If you have £10k and no ISA then you could open one now and pay £5k in, then in April pay the other half in.
My ISA doesn't lock you in for a year, not many do. But if you have to withdraw money you do lose your allowance for that year. Basically, you can put ~£5k a year into a cash ISA, but if you take that £5k out at some point you can't put it back in until the next financial year. So I keep a normal savings account as a buffer and only move across what I know I won't need to the ISA.
If you have £10k and no ISA then you could open one now and pay £5k in, then in April pay the other half in.