Scrapper, try to get yourself a gasket set for the carb, if kwacker do them, or sit with a parts man and get the o-rings for the jets, emulsion tube and mixture/idle screws, float bowl and carb top. It may be worth getting a new inlet rubber as well, as they can perish. It may not be the carb causing the problems, but it is a good place to start, and won't be wasted effort. Coil, HT lead, plug cap and plug could all give similar symptoms. Good luck with it, and use your best tools to avoid mullering anything.
Scrapper, try to get yourself a gasket set for the carb, if kwacker do them, or sit with a parts man and get the o-rings for the jets, emulsion tube and mixture/idle screws, float bowl and carb top. It may be worth getting a new inlet rubber as well, as they can perish. It may not be the carb causing the problems, but it is a good place to start, and won't be wasted effort. Coil, HT lead, plug cap and plug could all give similar symptoms. Good luck with it, and use your best tools to avoid mullering anything.