police-state apologist shite?
I was trying to say at best there were TWO sides to the story and only ONE seemed to be discussed and published. At worst the protesters or at-least a lot of them were clearly breaking the law.
The police are there to uphold the law no... or am I missing something? Same old argument as usual. Bash police when they try to uphold some law you don't like, urgently call on them to defend you when someone's broken a law that affects you.
Not that simple is it
.....and don't for a fucking moment presume what i like or don't like.
What possibly makes you think I specifically meant you? Bit of an over the top reaction.. Translation:-
Bash police when they try to uphold some law they don't like, urgently call on them to defend them when someone's broken a law that affects them
What possibly makes you think I specifically meant you? Bit of an over the top reaction.. Translation:-