Last night I was given the option of watching Christian Bale in Reign of Terror, or Bruce Willis in The Jackal.
I opted for The Jackal and it was going well until Richard Gere appeared on screen with his abberation of an accent. We swiftly switched over to watch Batman take on Mathew McConaugheeyheyhgy and some dragons.
It was fucking shit.
To top it all off, I couldn't get this situation out of my head - and ultimately I think it would have made a much better film:
Last night I was given the option of watching Christian Bale in Reign of Terror, or Bruce Willis in The Jackal.
I opted for The Jackal and it was going well until Richard Gere appeared on screen with his abberation of an accent. We swiftly switched over to watch Batman take on Mathew McConaugheeyheyhgy and some dragons.
It was fucking shit.
To top it all off, I couldn't get this situation out of my head - and ultimately I think it would have made a much better film: