Tried bump starting didn't work, but I gave up quickly as I have a bruised rib.
Just Printed out a step by step guide with photos on how to clean this carburettor.
Timing etc I have no idea and would have to take it to someone.
It fired this morning but I think I was in shock and didn't pull the throttle enough to let
it really kick in then it wouldn't start again.
Tried bump starting didn't work, but I gave up quickly as I have a bruised rib.
Just Printed out a step by step guide with photos on how to clean this carburettor.
Timing etc I have no idea and would have to take it to someone.
It fired this morning but I think I was in shock and didn't pull the throttle enough to let
it really kick in then it wouldn't start again.
But overall seems to turn just not fire.