Yesterday, I noticed a huge crack had opened up on my downtube, around the bb. I have insurance from Evans / JLT, and I spoke to them today, but they said that kind if wear and tear isn't covered.
I'm pretty sure the f+f has a lifetime guarantee from Fuji, but I bought the bike from America, and if I have to start shipping things internationally, it's not going to be worth it.
Can I go direct to a Fuji representative in the UK?
Yesterday, I noticed a huge crack had opened up on my downtube, around the bb. I have insurance from Evans / JLT, and I spoke to them today, but they said that kind if wear and tear isn't covered.
I'm pretty sure the f+f has a lifetime guarantee from Fuji, but I bought the bike from America, and if I have to start shipping things internationally, it's not going to be worth it.
Can I go direct to a Fuji representative in the UK?