Sent a paypal payment for something of fairly low value, just £30, a couple of weeks ago, was told it should be with me but last sat.
Nothing showed, PM'd seller who said if it wasn't with me by Monday just gone, he'd look into it. Nothing arrived monday so PM'd him to ask what's going on. No response. Also left message on wall. No response and I know he's logged in in the interim.
I don't use paypal for various reasons (housemate sent it for me) so if I am being jipped (which seems a bit daft for a measly £30) am I likely to get it back?
Sent a paypal payment for something of fairly low value, just £30, a couple of weeks ago, was told it should be with me but last sat.
Nothing showed, PM'd seller who said if it wasn't with me by Monday just gone, he'd look into it. Nothing arrived monday so PM'd him to ask what's going on. No response. Also left message on wall. No response and I know he's logged in in the interim.
I don't use paypal for various reasons (housemate sent it for me) so if I am being jipped (which seems a bit daft for a measly £30) am I likely to get it back?