CLUE ALERT For those of who the last tag had them tearing at their eyeballs and running for the nurofen (other brands of ibuprofen are available) CLUE ALERT, I have re-tagged this is the daylight. Perhaps not the best photograph, but at least you can see more than grey wavy pillars (although I hope that you'll acknowledge that this was at least an accuracte representation of what the tag is anyway!)
CLUE ALERT For those of who the last tag had them tearing at their eyeballs and running for the nurofen (other brands of ibuprofen are available) CLUE ALERT, I have re-tagged this is the daylight. Perhaps not the best photograph, but at least you can see more than grey wavy pillars (although I hope that you'll acknowledge that this was at least an accuracte representation of what the tag is anyway!)