Well at the moment I've got a 32 alex r450 with cheap shimano hubs which has easily held weight up to 20kg including myself 13st (there or there abouts) when I've been cycling around Europe.
I'd like to get in to more audax and club rides, if I do tour probably cycling to hostels in Europe so I won't have to carry as much, perhaps a 32 would be enough for that purpose though.
Well at the moment I've got a 32 alex r450 with cheap shimano hubs which has easily held weight up to 20kg including myself 13st (there or there abouts) when I've been cycling around Europe.
I'd like to get in to more audax and club rides, if I do tour probably cycling to hostels in Europe so I won't have to carry as much, perhaps a 32 would be enough for that purpose though.