I braised 1kg of oxtail in brandy, port, walnuts and raisins, I gave it 5 hours. the mirepoix cooked down to a paste bones came out clean. it stuck to your fingers... insanely rich!
less than £6 for the meat and had more flavour than the shin. but to heavy for pasta. it is ideal for stuffing cabbage leaves or pies
amazing. anything that starts with a mirepoix is going to be great. oxtail and port, equally so
today is all about the eccles cakes.
The st john eccles cakes are the best i have ever eaten. I used to get them quite regularly from neals yard when I lived round there
amazing. anything that starts with a mirepoix is going to be great. oxtail and port, equally so
The st john eccles cakes are the best i have ever eaten. I used to get them quite regularly from neals yard when I lived round there