The bar is 31.8 in the middle, but the bit in the middle isn't very wide, and it then gets thicker front-to-back after the centre clamping section. As a result, any stem clamp wider than about 45mm hits the aerofoil section of the bar. The Look stem is <45mm at the front, but flares out at the centre of the back half of the clamp area to about 58mm
I wouldn't expect 3T to have taken account of the Look HSD, as it's a rare stem, but not fitting either the Look 496 integrated stem or the Pro Vibe Track stem looks like a major oversight.
The bar is 31.8 in the middle, but the bit in the middle isn't very wide, and it then gets thicker front-to-back after the centre clamping section. As a result, any stem clamp wider than about 45mm hits the aerofoil section of the bar. The Look stem is <45mm at the front, but flares out at the centre of the back half of the clamp area to about 58mm
I wouldn't expect 3T to have taken account of the Look HSD, as it's a rare stem, but not fitting either the Look 496 integrated stem or the Pro Vibe Track stem looks like a major oversight.
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