• #4602
I'm interested in tags through autumn and winter! I love orange and purple trees and of course the snow!
Perhaps tags revisited with a different look. :) -
• #4603
• #4604
Awesome picture Oat! And here I was thinking the charon clue was somehow linked to pluto and hence it must have been a space observatory. As you can imagine, my google efforts produced no results.
• #4605
So how close did you get to Jodrell Bank did you get before the penny dropped?
And Oliver, he's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
• #4606
OLD: Pirate ships by tabbco dock.
NEW: A person who lived here has already been tagged before...
• #4607
That was quick! You beat me by three minutes....
• #4608
Sorry Dougal, you need to learn how to upload from your phone... Thanks for the challenge though, just got a good workout! No telling anyone where it is ;-) -
• #4609
I just rode all the way up and down wapping.. Nada..
Where was it?
• #4610
Tobacco Dock (for the benefit of satisfying general curiosity and because Ben is shamefully negligent in his duty to tell us :) ).
• #4612
Just found it.. Went right fuckig past it!!!
• #4613
When I first rode past it years ago I was very surprised. I think what made this a potentially difficult tag was that you'd naturally look closer to the river. Tobacco Dock is a bit of an oddity.
• #4614
Good work all. News International's headquarters is the lit building between the two ships - this was the only angle I dared take a photo from! Pretty formidable fence and cameras round the other side. Plus it linked thematically with the anchor of course!
• #4615
I also have kept us on a nautical theme.....
• #4616
• #4617
Tobacco Dock (for the benefit of satisfying general curiosity and because Ben is shamefully negligent in his duty to tell us :) ).
Soz about that - uploaded first then went back to addd in the details. Seems my phone didn't do the last bit. Weird. Sorted now. Funny about those pirate ships, despite being massive are pretty well hidden. Did you go in the mall? So funny how empty it is.
• #4618
Hey how the hell do I upload to the forum from my iPhone? Or is there a imageshack type alternative?..
• #4619
Wow, Oat44, you've managed to capture Perseus, Andromeda, Triangulum and Jupiter in that shot of the anchor at north Woolwich!
• #4620
Yeah there's an imageshack app.
• #4621
That's impressive knowledge^^
slightly higher res one if you want
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6118/6261871258_5bef173f8a_b_d.jpg -
• #4622
Soz about that - uploaded first then went back to addd in the details. Seems my phone didn't do the last bit. Weird. Sorted now. Funny about those pirate ships, despite being massive are pretty well hidden. Did you go in the mall? So funny how empty it is.
I haven't been in there--I'd only seen the ships. I read about Tobacco Dock fairly at random a couple of years ago, but it never tempted me to go and have a look. I used to live in the Isle of Dogs and rode past it along the Highway nearly every day but never bothered to find out what it was.
• #4623
That's impressive knowledge^^
slightly higher res one if you want
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6118/6261871258_5bef173f8a_b_d.jpgGreat photo too. We're going to have to have an awards cermony when we get to 500 tags or summat, awards for best photo, longest tag held, shortest tag held, etc...
• #4624
Nice idea!
Longest & shortest tag-to-tag distance, most interesting wall, etc...
• #4625
Best church, seeing as we've had tons of them..
holy s**t!!!
Amazing! I should have done a better picture.
well, i had this one, but still not as good.