• As somebody who has barely watched any polo since the early days in the old Brick lane courts, I have to say I was amazed by how far things have come!
    The quality of play, and the skills have progressed so much.
    The slickness, the speed, the moves, and the aggressive play in some of the games was nuts.
    Seeing players that I haven't seen for years, and seeing how good they are now was great.
    Even down to seeing how specialist the bikes are now, and how well they work for the job in hand.
    Todd was a perfect example of somebody riding their bike like it was part of them.
    Tornadoes blew me away, if you'll excuse the pun...very fast, very slick, great teamwork. Also poloholica played some great games with great teamwork, as did Penis flytrap, and Fish and chippeys.

    I really enjoyed myself, and from where I was standing it looked like a very well organized, and very smoothly run tournament. It would be good to see more 'all girls' teams next year as there seemed to be enough great players out there.
    Well done all involved!