you had sex with the people you were overtaking? Disgusting.
In my mind its a series overtaking and being overtaken repeatedly for a good 2mins or so.
Everyone must have been shotgunning cans of special brew at breakfast this morning as it was noddergeddon on my route. There was a particular eagerness to wedge selves to the left of vehicles clearly indicating to turn left. You'd think that by adulthood, people would have spotted the correlation between a person indicating an intention via blinky lights and actually fulfilling that intention, and so making appropriate decisions as a result. I dunno.
I guess there are a variety of reasons for it, such as the sense that the extreme left of any lane is for cyclists. Silly.
It's not totally silly. Just look at the pathetic excuse that are a lot of cycle lanes e.g. Mile End road (east bound) where they start pretty much on the mouth of junctions/side roads to the left. At what point was it agreed that riding the mouth of junctions you're not turning into is ever a good idea? I would love to get the person that signed this off and get one of their loved ones to cycle the lanes and see how they like it. New Road junction with Mile End road (west), where I did a Dr bike recently is a death trap waiting to happen. It's the infrastructure that re-enforces this mentality.
Then I came within a whisker of side ramming some girl who pulled out from a side road then stopped in the middle of the lane for reasons I did not have time to ponder in depth. I would also like to thank the woman on the dutch bike who RLJd on Old Street Roundabout across my bows. That was bracing.
Honestly they keep doing because they keep getting away with it. If they acknowledged what they did by apologising to anyone whom they've made adjust their line, fine. But they just swan on like nothing has happened. I'd honestly look to shock them by shouting all kinds of horrible stuff to get it through their thick skulls.
In my mind its a series overtaking and being overtaken repeatedly for a good 2mins or so.
It's not totally silly. Just look at the pathetic excuse that are a lot of cycle lanes e.g. Mile End road (east bound) where they start pretty much on the mouth of junctions/side roads to the left. At what point was it agreed that riding the mouth of junctions you're not turning into is ever a good idea? I would love to get the person that signed this off and get one of their loved ones to cycle the lanes and see how they like it. New Road junction with Mile End road (west), where I did a Dr bike recently is a death trap waiting to happen. It's the infrastructure that re-enforces this mentality.
Honestly they keep doing because they keep getting away with it. If they acknowledged what they did by apologising to anyone whom they've made adjust their line, fine. But they just swan on like nothing has happened. I'd honestly look to shock them by shouting all kinds of horrible stuff to get it through their thick skulls.