I commute to london mon and fri arriving kings cross. There are no provisions for cyclists from platform 9 down St pancras way. Taxis parked, doors open, drivers standing in the road chatting, more obstacles than you. Can shake a stick at. I no longer cycle down there now as if you wait at the crossroads to go straight over Euston Rd you are a prime target in the box junction if anyone jumps the lights in either direction as you are crossing. I walk down through the station and then cross via the pedestrian crossings and get on my bike the other side through the side roads to go to Russell square. However, I have to say I have waited on a red light at the junction to cross Euston Rd and other cyclists have come up behind me and simply ignored the red light and play dodgems with the two way traffic in the box junction! I wait at red lights at the junction with marchmont St and tavistock place, I get a green to go and have to avoid cyclists who have clearly ignored a red light on the actual cycle lane that runs down Tavistock place. I have all the sympathy in the world for cyclists in London, but I do think that quite a number seem to be of the opinion that red lights do not apply to them and they can do what they like anywhere they like and their road manners are even worse than the car drivers they complain about. If they are prepared to run down their fellow cyclists then they will have no respect for large vehicles which could end their life. Until that mentality has been dealt with the powers that be will give to credence to shouts for safety. If I don't want to wait at a red light I get off And become a pedestrian until I am well clear of the lights and on remounting wait at the kerb until it is clear to ride off. I am not being rude or antagonistic as these are probably in a minority, but their actions do nothing for those of us who try to campaign to make the roads better for cyclists
That is what shouting obscenities is for.