My old Blackberry handled email, text, calls, web-browsing and also worked as a sat-nav- pretty much exactly what my Android does now.
The Android is better from a usability point of view- the touchscreen is a big plus here, but I never had to power cycle the screen 5 times whilst trying to write one email on the Blackberry, so the faults in Android/HTC's design go a long way to cancelling the advances out some times.
I never have any of the issues you have and I've used, what 4 different HTC devices.
I also have a Blackberry and an iPhone so I'm not comparing with stuff I don't use here.
Blackberry web browsing.. pfft.. I'd rather wait until I get to a computer. Most of my email is via Gmail so that renders it next to useless. Sat nav was fun when I found it but rubbish level of detail makes it pretty useless. Exchange Int was good, phone calls were same as every other phone I've used and battery life was better for reasons I've made clear already.
I never have any of the issues you have and I've used, what 4 different HTC devices.
I also have a Blackberry and an iPhone so I'm not comparing with stuff I don't use here.
Blackberry web browsing.. pfft.. I'd rather wait until I get to a computer. Most of my email is via Gmail so that renders it next to useless. Sat nav was fun when I found it but rubbish level of detail makes it pretty useless. Exchange Int was good, phone calls were same as every other phone I've used and battery life was better for reasons I've made clear already.