Used to suffer badly with insomnia. Maybe 10 hours sleep a week on average. Found by taking all electrical devices (TV, sterio etc.) out of the bedroom, spending no time, except when sleeping and marital duties, in there it helps to reinforce that I am now tired. Took a few weeks to kick in, maybe a few hours per night. 6 years on and I get at least 6 hours per night. Still shit at waking up, but don't feel like the world is on soft focus.
Used to suffer badly with insomnia. Maybe 10 hours sleep a week on average. Found by taking all electrical devices (TV, sterio etc.) out of the bedroom, spending no time, except when sleeping and marital duties, in there it helps to reinforce that I am now tired. Took a few weeks to kick in, maybe a few hours per night. 6 years on and I get at least 6 hours per night. Still shit at waking up, but don't feel like the world is on soft focus.