I've moved it a tiny bit, rotated the bar a little bit, it work, but it feel a tiny bit long.
bit annoying, right now the Brooklyn fit, 55.4cm TT, 70mm stem, 89mm handlebar reach, the Surly being a different bike, 54.5cm TT, 70mm stem, 73mm handlebar reach, it should be noticably shorter!
Going to double check the geo sheet again, it rode very well during the guided Skyride and the gearing is perfect, 100% perfect;
I've moved it a tiny bit, rotated the bar a little bit, it work, but it feel a tiny bit long.
bit annoying, right now the Brooklyn fit, 55.4cm TT, 70mm stem, 89mm handlebar reach, the Surly being a different bike, 54.5cm TT, 70mm stem, 73mm handlebar reach, it should be noticably shorter!
Going to double check the geo sheet again, it rode very well during the guided Skyride and the gearing is perfect, 100% perfect;