No it fucking doesn't. The English attempted to obliterate Welsh culture over successive centuries. The Welsh fought back to the extent that what was once almost a dying language is now spoken widely. This fact clearly rankles with the successors of the oppressors who now attempt to ridicule a culture which has as much - if not more - to offer than their Anglo Saxon/Norman melange...
Welsh, like Gaelic should be left to die out rather than being propped up at expense for 16 people in a fucking valley to ponce on about as if they are upholding some sort of cultural ra ra ra whatever's the equivalent of Panda's being artificially kept alive...poor fuckers
Welsh, like Gaelic should be left to die out rather than being propped up at expense for 16 people in a fucking valley to ponce on about as if they are upholding some sort of cultural ra ra ra whatever's the equivalent of Panda's being artificially kept alive...poor fuckers