• in my ongoing mission to shed possessions so I don't have to move with them I am freecycling some books. which I am posting here because I can bring them to SEs on Tuesday if anyone wants them. Normally I'd take them to a charity shop but there is no charity in Stratford. Except the Mind offices.

    Perfume, Patrick Suskind
    [STRIKE]The New York Trilogy, Paul Auster[/STRIKE] - fox
    The Dead Fathers Club, Matt Haig
    We are all made of glue, Maria Lewycka
    The informers, Bret Easton Ellis
    All tomorrow's parties, William Gibson
    The rules of attraction, Bret Easton Ellis
    The dice man, Luke Rhinehart
    Lunar Park, Bret Easton Ellus
    The lying days, Nadine Gordimer
    Bagombo snuff box, Kurt Vonnegut
    and a 2006 Time Out guide to San Francisco.
