I don't squat anymore, that was last year at about 90kg. I only ever reached 120kg on the bench. Having done over 5 years in gyms and trying body weight and some gymnastic training techniques I would only utilize olympic lifts for power training.
When I was squating 160kgs I couldn't do a single pistol/one legged squat. Now I can bang and double figures.....and of course my balance is much better also.
there was a thread on Shane Perkins the other day. I got bigger legs than him :)
Come winter I might do a months membership at a gym. Don't worry I will record it this time. When people see my legs they usually start believing ;)
I start believing when I see someone actually lift their stated PB's in strict form :-) If that strength doesn't tranfer to functional athletic ability though then, for cyclists, its a bit pointless. I'm with you on pistol squats though, I can't squat heavy due to injuries so its pistols for me too. I've got skinnier than Bradley Wiggins though.
I start believing when I see someone actually lift their stated PB's in strict form :-) If that strength doesn't tranfer to functional athletic ability though then, for cyclists, its a bit pointless. I'm with you on pistol squats though, I can't squat heavy due to injuries so its pistols for me too. I've got skinnier than Bradley Wiggins though.