Right. You know those greetings cards you can get that when you open them, they play shit songs? Is it possible to programme your own songs? Or is there a site/service that will do this for you? I want one that plays keyboard cat. Oh and there's a catch. I'm supposed to be on holiday right now but clearly still finding time for inane questions on the forum. Back on the 11th then away the following week for work and I'd need this done if it's even possible for the first week of September. Someone google it for me. Pleeeeeeease.
Right. You know those greetings cards you can get that when you open them, they play shit songs? Is it possible to programme your own songs? Or is there a site/service that will do this for you? I want one that plays keyboard cat. Oh and there's a catch. I'm supposed to be on holiday right now but clearly still finding time for inane questions on the forum. Back on the 11th then away the following week for work and I'd need this done if it's even possible for the first week of September. Someone google it for me. Pleeeeeeease.