Yeah I just can't seem to hold the skidding position and my legs are forced to turn again.
I will attempt to get my head around what you've both advised. There's a lot of leg miming and confused face going on right now.
Scoot, I have to agree with the shifting forward bit. It's flippin' scary, though, so try practicing when you're not going full out, at first. Also, what's your gear thingy? I couldn't skid AT ALL on 47 x 18 but switched to 46 x 19 and BAM! skid central*!
What else did I do? Oh, right, I think I was just not-going-forward with my left leg instead of actively pressing back and down. That definitely helps.
Scoot, I have to agree with the shifting forward bit. It's flippin' scary, though, so try practicing when you're not going full out, at first. Also, what's your gear thingy? I couldn't skid AT ALL on 47 x 18 but switched to 46 x 19 and BAM! skid central*!
What else did I do? Oh, right, I think I was just not-going-forward with my left leg instead of actively pressing back and down. That definitely helps.
*for a certain value of "skid central".