Just realised what a busy weekend I've had. Went to see Algernon Cadwallader and 1994! on Saturday afternoon, then Let's Wrestle (friends band, not really my cup of tea) on Sat night then Tall Ships (more friends, more my cup of tea) on Sunday. Got tickets to see Lemuria and Cheap Girls next week and realised I'm not here :(
This sounds like something I listened to when I was 16 but it's bloody stuck in my head:
Just realised what a busy weekend I've had. Went to see Algernon Cadwallader and 1994! on Saturday afternoon, then Let's Wrestle (friends band, not really my cup of tea) on Sat night then Tall Ships (more friends, more my cup of tea) on Sunday. Got tickets to see Lemuria and Cheap Girls next week and realised I'm not here :(
This sounds like something I listened to when I was 16 but it's bloody stuck in my head:
In a World of Ghosts.. by Lemuria - YouTube