it's not venom. it's a rounded opinion not clouded by the misplaced grief and regret exhibited by people whom on their death Amy wouldn't have given a toss about.
MrSmyth - you've made some fair points, but I think (like a lot of people), you're missing the point. Loss is a very personal thing.
One of our clients was killed in the Moscow Airport Bombing. Before we found out, I had no personal involvement with any of the victims. I didn't know the guy, but my boss did, he also knew his wife, his kids names, some of his colleagues etc. There is no logical reason for me to feel any more for his family than anyone else who died. But I did.
It's about connection, which is a personal thing. I'll never understand the Princes Di thing, I feel sorry for her kids, but have no sense of loss. That's because I had zero connection with her.
If you're touched by someone's music, and you feel connected, then it's likely that you'll feel a loss.
Either way two things are certain; first, it's sad when anyone dies; and second, Hauska is an absolute cunt.
MrSmyth - you've made some fair points, but I think (like a lot of people), you're missing the point. Loss is a very personal thing.
One of our clients was killed in the Moscow Airport Bombing. Before we found out, I had no personal involvement with any of the victims. I didn't know the guy, but my boss did, he also knew his wife, his kids names, some of his colleagues etc. There is no logical reason for me to feel any more for his family than anyone else who died. But I did.
It's about connection, which is a personal thing. I'll never understand the Princes Di thing, I feel sorry for her kids, but have no sense of loss. That's because I had zero connection with her.
If you're touched by someone's music, and you feel connected, then it's likely that you'll feel a loss.
Either way two things are certain; first, it's sad when anyone dies; and second, Hauska is an absolute cunt.