There are certain sections of road that I'm not always safe slowing down on eg Gracechurch onto King William St onto London Bridge yet idiots give you a bad look (like they've found out you shat into their weetabix once they've finished the box) as they saunter across on the red man. I swerve and I'm fucked while they take no responsibility. If I had brake lights fine but I don't so don't be a selfish prick look properly, and look lively if you see me coming with Lorry's, busses and white vans speeding up behind me.
There are certain sections of road that I'm not always safe slowing down on eg Gracechurch onto King William St onto London Bridge yet idiots give you a bad look (like they've found out you shat into their weetabix once they've finished the box) as they saunter across on the red man. I swerve and I'm fucked while they take no responsibility. If I had brake lights fine but I don't so don't be a selfish prick look properly, and look lively if you see me coming with Lorry's, busses and white vans speeding up behind me.