Going via Newhaven-Dieppe the scenic route is about 200 miles, it's easily possible in a day esp if you don't carry much. Took us about 30 hours in total last Sept but we had over 20kgs of luggage each, only had 3 hours sleep on the night ferry though.. I've done this route 3 times in the last couple of years with a Garmin so if you need some route advice shout.
Going via Newhaven-Dieppe the scenic route is about 200 miles, it's easily possible in a day esp if you don't carry much. Took us about 30 hours in total last Sept but we had over 20kgs of luggage each, only had 3 hours sleep on the night ferry though.. I've done this route 3 times in the last couple of years with a Garmin so if you need some route advice shout.